Write Java Program for ATM machines

computer science


Write Java Program for ATM machines

Two Banks (Bank A & B)

Hard Code, 2 customers for Bank A with $50 in the account (each customer have their own cash cards)

Hard Code, 3 customers for Bank B with $50 in the account (each customer have their own cash cards)

Cash Cards come with expiration date and withdraw transaction only.

Design 2 ATM machines (ATM_A1 & ATM_A2) for Bank A

Design 2 ATM machines (ATM_B1 & ATM_B2) for Bank B

Each ATM machine take their own bank’s cash card’s account number, password, and expiration date.

Requirements are:

Bank A only work with ATM_A1 & ATM_A2

Bank B only work with ATM_B1 & ATM_B2

When accounts are verified, customers can withdraw money on their cash card’s balance.

NOTE: error messages should show if the requirements are not met. For example, Bank A cash card try

to withdraw money from Bank B ATM machines vice versa. Customers withdraw more than account

balance. (see sample output below).

At least 4 or 5 different classes (for example, ATMSystem.java, ATM.java, Bank.java, CashCard.java,

Customer.java, BankDatabase.java, or ...) that has is-a (inheritance classes) or has-a relationship.

Javadoc each class such that /**@param*/ /**@return */

If possible, include use cases or UML

Sample Output

State of 2 Banks //Hard code started

Set accounts $50 preloaded.

BankA (2 customers)

Customer with Cash Card (bankid: A, account number 11, expires on 12/12/16,

password aaa

Customer with Cash Card (bankid: A, account number 12, expires on 05/01/17,

password bbb

BankB (three customers)

Customer with Cash Card (bankid: B, account number 111), expires on 11/11/11,

password ccc

Customer with Cash Card (bankid: B, account number 112), expires on 12/12/12,

password ddd

Customer with Cash Card (bankid: B, account number 113), expires on 12/12/17,

password eee

State of 4 ATMs (2 for each Bank)

ATM1_A: (ATM1 from BankA)

The maximum amount of cash a card can widthraw per day: $60

ATM2_A: (ATM1 from BankA)

The maximum amount of cash a card can widthraw per day: $60

ATM1_B: (ATM1 from BankB)

The maximum amount of cash a card can widthraw per day: $60

ATM2_B: (ATM1 from BankB)

The maximum amount of cash a card can widthraw per day: $60

//Hard code ended

//User input started

% Enter your choice of ATM


% Enter your card


“This card is expired please enter different card”

/*if enter 12, then OK because not expired & correct card */

% Enter your card


“This card is not supported by this ATM Enter your card again”

% 12

“The card is accepted”

% Please enter your password


“This is a wrong password. Enter correct password”

% Please enter your password


“Authorization is accepted”

% Please enter withdraw amount.


“This amount exceeds the max can withdraw per transaction. Please enter the

amount or quit”

% Please enter withdraw amount.


“$25 is withdrawn from your account. The remaining balance of this account

is $25. If you have more withdraw transactions, enter the amount or quit”

% Please enter withdraw amount.


“This amount exceeds the current balance. Enter another amount or quit.

% 15

“$25 is withdrawn from your account. The remaining balance of this account

is $0. If you have more transactions, enter the amount or quit.


//users input ended

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