You MAY use Astah to generate the skeleton Java code from the UML. You might want to incorporate the “Class Description” tables into your UML before generating code. If you do, add the UML files to the project upload (with your name in a comment block).

computer science


General (Note the use of REQUIREMENTS ����) 

1. You MUST to create 5 design patterns for the application specified below (each worth 8points). 

2. You MUST use Java! 

3. You MAY use Astah to generate the skeleton Java code from the UML. You might want to incorporate the “Class Description” tables into your UML before generating code. If you do, add the UML files to the project upload (with your name in a comment block). 

4. You do NOT: a) need to meet all the functional requirements specified in Task 1 but the general idea should bevisible b) have to have a running/working application (but it should not have compiler errors or warnings!). 

5. We will grade you based on the code that you’ve written. 

6. Please indicate (as comments in submission box on Canvas) which design patterns you implemented and the class file or piece of code where it is implemented (this documentation is important and will be graded!).

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