Your assignment is to write a report on how a specific idea or kind of technology developed over time.



Presentation Assignment – Revised (November 16, 2020)



Your assignment is to write a report on how a specific idea or kind of technology developed over time. Your topic must relate to cross-cultural exchange and change over time by studying its use across two world regions (or cultures). The report may include images or diagrams where necessary and must use the following three-part format:



Part 1: 300-500 words that describe your topic, the time period you are studying, and location. Also, talk give a general summary of how it changed the society that it originated in.  


Part 2: 250-300 words: compare how the idea or technology you are researching was used across at least two cultures or world regions after its invention or discovery.


Part 3: 250-500 words: how is this idea/technology used today? Discuss some applications and review how they are different (or same) than in the earlier history you reviewed above.



Referring to class lectures or readings as sources is not necessary. However, you will have to use at least one independent scholarly source (a research article, an academic website, or work). Include a bibliography to cite your sources at the end of your report. You may use the citation style of your choice (APA/Chicago/Harvard…).


Here are some of many possible topics to consider for your report…


Technology: writing (cuneiform, paper, printing); weaponry/warfare (bow, composite bow, cross-bow, gunpowder etc..), navigation (compass, astrolab); transportation (wheel, cart, train); cosmetics (kohl, lipstick); fashion (high-heel shoes)


Ideas: politics (democracy, anarchy, sovereignty, sacred kingship); law (legal codes, rule of law, punishment); religion (monotheism, polytheism, animism, ancestor worship); philosophy (Confucianism, natural law, humanism)   

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