Your task is to develop a C++ class called DungeonCrawl which represents a simple grid based game board (20 x 6 cells). Each grid cell contains an ASCII character to represent its content.

computer science


Your task is to develop a C++ class called DungeonCrawl which represents a simple grid based game board (20 x 6 cells). Each grid cell contains an ASCII character to represent its content. A cell can contain a trap (T), treasure (X), player (@) or empty cell (.). A valid game board must contain a single player, a single treasure and the number of traps is a parameter of the game. Your class definition should use a two-dimensional STL Vector to represent the game board. You will need to include several functions to implement the game itself: · an initialiser function to randomly place all the required pieces on the board · an output function to print the current game board to the console · a collision detection function to check whether the player has either found the treasure or fallen into a trap · a player movement function which adjusts the players position on the game board depending on which key the user presses:

 w – move up

 s – move down 

a – move left

 d – move right

 NOTE: the game board is toroidal, e.g. if a player steps off the left side of the board they appear at the same row on the right side of the board..

This task involves adding moving enemies to the Dungeon Crawl Game. The number of enemies should be a parameter of the game. Enemies move around the game board at random (i.e. move one cell in any direction (up, down, left or right) once per turn). If a player touches an enemy (i.e. either of them attempt to occupy the same cell) then Game Over!.

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