Your task is to implement a solution in Java to the challenge below using good practices of object-orientation.

computer science


Task description

Your task is to implement a solution in Java to the challenge below using good practices of object-orientation. Your code should be fully documented with Javadoc. Your Javadoc should describe the responsibilities of each class and describe each method. You should also use commenting (Javadoc or simple “//” comments) to annotate where and why you’ve done the following: 

• Implemented an association, aggregation, or composition 

• Implemented an inheritance relationship 

• Made use of polymorphism 

• Applied a design pattern

Your challenge is to implement a queue for a music player. The queue is similar to queues that you may have seen on music streaming services such as Spotify in that you can add songs to the queue and the player plays songs on the queue by taking a song from the top, playing it, taking the next one, and so on, until there are no songs left on the queue. However, it is different to most song queues in that you should be able to add both individual songs and playlists to the queue. As well as this, a playlist is a collection of songs but a playlist can also contain other playlists. 

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