ICS 53, Winter 2017
Lab 3: A Memory Allocator
You will write a program which maintains a heap which you will organize as an
implicit free list. Your program will allow a user to allocate memory, free memory,
and see the current state of the heap. Your program will accept user commands and
execute them. Your program should provide a prompt to the user (“>”) and accept
the following 7 commands.
1. allocate - This function allows the user to allocate a block of memory from
your heap. This function should take one argument, the number of bytes
which the user wants in the payload of the allocated block. This function
should print out a unique block number which is associated with the block of
memory which has just been allocated. The block numbers should increment
each time a new block is allocated. So the first allocated block should be block
number 1, the second is block number 2, etc. Notice that only the allocated
blocks receive block numbers.
> allocate 10
> allocate 5
2. free - This function allows the user to free a block of memory. This function
takes one argument, the block number associated with the previously
allocated block of memory.
> allocate 10
> free 10
When a block is freed its block number is no longer valid. The block number should
not be reused to number any newly allocated block in the future.
3. blocklist - This command prints out information about all of the blocks in your
heap. It takes no arguments. The following information should be printed
about each block:
I. Size
II. Allocated (yes or no)
III. Start address
IV. End address
Addresses should be printed in hexadecimal. The blocks should be printed in the
order in which they are found in the heap.
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