Before to start:
A remark about missing values The trading days are not the same around the world. There are some bank holidays where the index is not calculated, and these days are not the same for each country. In any case, you need to make sure the dates of each observation match: each row should contain a return for the exact same date for each index. There are 2 ways to handle missing observations:
• Either you have NA values if a country has a bank holiday while other countries have an index return (this is the recommendation when working on an individual index)
• Or you remove (erase) every date where not all indices are traded, therefore removing any row with missing data (this is the recommendation when working on statistics that combine 2 or more indices, e.g. the correlation). R has a very method to handle missing values, so you do not need to worry about missing values. Further explanations will be given in the steps below. Steps to perform Step 1. Use Refinitiv to download 5 different equity indices of your choice from any country around the world. Use daily index (or price) levels over the last 5 years. Then import the data in R. In the R script, write what are the indices (which country, which stock market) and what are the Refinitiv tickers of the indices. Use the function str() to show the structure of the imported object. Verify that the index values are imported as numeric.
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