In this magazine article, the writer suggests there are benefits to going to university, then college – rather than graduate school (more University studies).



Step-by-Step Instructions:

1.  Choose a reading sample from the text from this list: 

·       “Why Mars is the Best Planet,” p. 278 (This article is also available online here (Links to an external site.)),

·       “The College Advantage” p. 269 (This article is also available online here (Links to an external site.)), or

·       “No More Classes: No More Books” p. 311.

2. After you complete your reading, select an essay question from the choices below.  Reflect on what you have learned in the course so far, and in your field of study. Include references to the reading throughout your essay.

Essay Questions (Select one):  

For sample 1: “Why Mars is the Best Planet”

1.    Review the ways the author describes the ways Mars mimics the Earth’s terrain. How does the author make comparisons? What is similar between Mars and Earth? What is different? Does this make a convincing case that the fate of Mars is Earth’s future? Why or why not?


2.    According to the article, Mars is not inhabitable by human beings. Yet, currently there are many people exploring that possibility. Using some examples from the article, what is the appeal of exploring Mars? Why does Mars ignite imaginations?

For sample 2: “The College Advantage”

1.    In this magazine article, the writer suggests there are benefits to going to university, then college – rather than graduate school (more University studies). Considering some of the points the writer makes about college, what are the advantages of combining university and college education? Do you agree? Are there any points the writer didn’t consider?


2.    Considering the points the writer makes about college, what are the advantages to a college education? Are there any points the writer didn’t consider?

For sample 3: “No More Classes; No More Books”

1.    Considering the writer’s use of language, determine the intended audience for the article: who is she writing to? Identify three points or writing strategies she uses that indicate she is writing to the audience you identified.


2.    Consider the pros and cons of on-line learning the writer identifies. Online learning might be the education model of the future. Is this good or not? Select one side and create an argument essay to support that viewpoint.

Draft an outline of  your essay.  Here is a Word versionPreview the document that you can manipulate:


Sample Reading-Response Essay Outline

Instructions:  Use this template to help you draft an outline for your five-paragraph reading-response essay.

         I.         Introductory Paragraph (Use the funnel method)

a.     Start with a hook

b.     Narrow your focus

c.     Thesis statement (Include your controlling idea/argument and three main points)


II.              A. Body Paragraph 1 (Must support thesis statement)

a.     Include a topic sentence

b.     Include supporting details

c.     Include specific examples (Consider using a direct quotation from the article)


             B. Body Paragraph 2 (Must support thesis statement)

a.     Include a topic sentence

b.     Include supporting details

c.     Include specific examples (Consider using a direct quotation from the article)


             C. Body Paragraph 3 (Must support thesis statement)

a.     Include a topic sentence

b.     Include supporting details

c.     Include specific examples (Consider using a direct quotation from the article)


III.             Concluding Paragraph (Invert the funnel)

a.     Revisit thesis statement

b.     Sum up main points

c.     Include concluding thoughts





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