Question 11 (8
Affirming the
consequent of an if-then statement is a fallacy in deductive logic, but can be
useful for problem-solving in inductive scientific methods. Explain how
affirming the consequent works differently in deductive and inductive contexts,
giving an example of each, and explain the degree of confidence one should have
in the conclusions reached in each example.
(Write your argument in
75-100 words)
Question 12 (6
Explain the
difference between the Hasty Generalization fallacy and strong Inductive
Generalization. Give examples that illustrate the differences.
(Write your argument in
100-125 words)
Question 13 (4 points)
Consider the
following dialogue between a physician and patient. To what extent does
the doctor succeed in justifying this diagnostic technique? Explain your
Dr. D: Now for
checking your heart. Do you feel that? [pricks patient’s left little finger
with a needle].
Patient: Ow! Yes! But
what does pricking my finger have to do with heart disease?
Dr. D: The heart is on
the left side of the body, and in heart attacks, victims will normally get pain
in the left arm. So I believe that we can predict heart disease by
testing the left hand for pain sensitivity. I compare reactions to
pricking the little finger of the left hand to pricking the other fingers.
Patient: Really?
(ow!) That sounds a little wacky.
Dr. D: No, it’s
quite reliable! I send patients with unusual sensitivity in that finger to a
cardiologist to follow up. So far he has found indications of heart
disease in only 5 of 32 patients I have sent. But that is because my test is
more sensitive than his. I can spot that there is early heart disease before
any other known test.
(Write your argument)
Question 14 (4
Assess how strong
the following argument is. Explain your reasoning.
Beyonce is a lot like
Serena Williams. Both are African-American women, both are famous, both are
very talented, and both have a lot of fans. Serena Williams is a great
athlete. Therefore, Beyonce is a great athlete, too.
(Write your argument in
75 words)
Question 15 (10
Identify the conclusion
and assess the following argument. Identify strengths, weaknesses and any
fallacies, and explain why you think we should accept or reject the conclusion
based on this presentation.
GRILLING US! - by Barb Acewd (edited)
the past four decades, we have been bombarded by vegetarian propaganda – by
comparisons between factory farming and the Holocaust, by pictures of immobile
chickens crammed in tiny cages, and by posters demonizing the backyard neighbour
grilling steaks. These are obvious attempts to fire up emotions and rake the
meat-eater over the barbeque. I intend to provide much in the way of reason for
eating meat.
begin with, eating meat is natural for humans, and it would be ethically wrong
to defy what nature has in store for us. True, we have evolved to eat
vegetation, but we have also evolved to eat meat. We share traits in common
with meat-eaters, for example, premolars and canine teeth (for ripping and
slicing tougher foods), and binocular vision (for spotting and catching
pretty). Thus, biologically, we are designed to eat meat. Morally, then, we
ought to adhere to that design.
Vegetarians should evaluate the consistency of their position. They advocate
animals, but they have no
problem destroying plants. Most vegetarians think it’s okay to
uproot and kill a
perfectly healthy carrot simply to eat it. Why, then, should they get all
choked up over killing a
pig or a chicken for the same reason?
not forget that most people in the world eat meat, and they have been doing so
for millennia. So many people cannot be wrong, and our mandate shouldn’t be to
fellow humans.
Finally, switching to a vegetarian lifestyle is truly a senseless exercise. It
won’t affect the amount of meat sold at a grocery store or the number of
animals killed each year. If I don’t buy that pound of hamburger meat at
Thrifty’s, somebody else will. I can make the sacrifice and cut meat out of my
diet, but it won’t make a difference in the world. At best, it will just make
me feel a little better about myself.
In short, despite the hype, there’s no sense in getting fired up over the meat
industry. We have to see beyond the propaganda and apply a little effort in
scrutinizing the issue.
(Write your argument in
200 words)
Question 16 (4
Education: Discuss one insight from this term that is personally
meaningful for you -- the kind of thing that you will find important long after
you forget names of fallacies and how to spell ‘antecedent’. Describe as
clearly as you can what the new insight is, how it differs from what you used
to think (or how it is changing the choices you make), and why this new insight
is worth hanging onto. There are LOTS of good ways to engage this question.
Examples include:
Marks for this response
will emphasize your reflection upon course materials (something from this
course, rather than general education or growth); the accuracy, relevance and
detail of the examples you use; the insight you demonstrate regarding the
importance of the material and your awareness of yourself, others, and the
world within which you are an active participant, and as always, clarity of
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