Answer the following questions. Each essay should be at least two pages, double spaced (about 500 words), using a readable font size (10 or 12). Essay Using the case Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), make the argument for legal formalism (original intent) o



Answer the following questions. Each essay should be at least two pages, double spaced (about 500 words), using a readable font size (10 or 12). Essay Using the case Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), make the argument for legal formalism (original intent) of the Connecticut law banning contraceptive information or devices. Then make the opposite argument based on legal realism. Essay What was the original purpose of the Bill of Rights as defined by Barron v. Baltimore (1833)? How did the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment change the understanding of the Bill of Rights? What is judicial nullification? What is the doctrine of total incorporation? What role did the American Civil Liberties Union and Roger Baldwin have in the nationalizing of the Bill of Rights? Short Answer Define the following terms in one or two sentences: common law justiciable issue writ ofcertiorari stare decisis

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