Any VBA macro with Solver will always have a dialog box pop up each time it is run.



Solver in Macros © 2014 Leong Thin Yin. All rights reserved.
Solver is developed by a software company (not Microsoft) called Frontline Systems.
As such, it does not work seamlessly with Excel as the other native features.
To make Solver available to the Excel spreadsheets, you must activate the Solver Add-in:
1.  Click Office/Excel Options.
2.  In Manage input box, select Excel Add-ins and click Go. Tick Solver Add-in and click OK.
To make Solver available to VBA macros, you must make reference to Solver in the VBE:
1.  In the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), select the required VBAProject (i.e. Excel Workbook).
2.  Select (from the main menu in VBE) Tools/References and tick Solver.
     a.  If you cannot see Solver, click on Browse and try to find Solver.xlam.
     b.  It is usually found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\Library.
     c.  Select and open Solver.xlam.  Find Solver in the dialog box and tick it.
Additional Notes
Any VBA macro with Solver will always have a dialog box pop up each time it is run.
To make the Solver dialog box not pop up (i.e. to automatically close itself), do the following:
1.  Revise SolverSolve in your Sub to SolverSolve Userfinish:=True.
Solver in macros will not solve problems with integer decision variables.  To overcome this
1.   Add an extra row of SolverOk ... in the Sub.

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