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APD is one of the most discussed psychological disorders in popular culture, but do we really know what it means? Can we tell the difference between momentary abnormal behavior and a consistent pattern of maladaptive behavior?



D is one of the most discussed psychological disorders in popular culture, but do we really know what it means? Can we tell the difference between momentary abnormal behavior and a consistent pattern of maladaptive behavior?


It’s been said that Hollywood loves a bad guy…and if that bad guy is unpredictable, unremorseful, and unrelenting, Hollywood loves him even more! Many of the more memorable characters in thrilling and chilling films can arguably be said to have antisocial personality disorder.


Below is the DSM IV criteria for a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder.


Pick a movie character from the list below and “diagnosis” them as having APD or not, using the criteria.


Answer ALL of the questions in your initial post and earn up to 5 points extra credit for thoughtful responses to two posts from your peers.


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