Asia and America



What is the difference between before and after sixteenth century in trading system. Trading goods such as coffee,tobacco, and others. Examples like, Western European with Asia and America trading. How is each time period have in economic and in political way. 1400 to 1600 words Additional Requirements Level of Detail: Show all work Other Requirements: Consider not only how goods were traded but how they were produced and consumed and what social , political and economic effects they had on various societies. In what ways did trade result in a world which was more integrated? In what ways did it result in increasing political, social and economic differences? Needed a reference links ! so that i can study about it Historians describe the period of the 16th century as a dividing line between an older trading system and a new one. With reference to specific commodities compare and contrast trade in the pre-16th century world with trade as it developed afterwards. What was new (or not new) about the new trade? Consider not only how goods were traded but how they were produced and consumed and what social , political and economic effects they had on various societies. In what ways did trade result in a world which was more integrated? In what ways did it result in increasing political, social and economic differences?

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