Assignment Overview The exercises below are designed to increase your effectiveness and efficiency in using Excel to analyze data. Excel is widely used in accounting and students need to master Excel (AICPA 2019). This is an individual assignment to be completed on your computer (PC or Mac). You are allowed to discuss the assignment with others in the class, but you may not copy. You will have class time to work on the assignment and ask me questions, but you may also need to work on the assignment outside of class (recommended). My instructional student assistant (ISA) will also be available in class to answer questions. You may also email me specific questions. To complete these exercises, you need to consult the textbook (Chapter 9), help (F1) within Excel, and online help such as Keywords for each exercise are provided to assist you. The Excel assignment is due on Wednesday, November 20th, as indicated in the syllabus. You must upload your completed Excel Workbook to Blackboard (see the Excel Assignment folder on Blackboard). Getting Started • Download the Excel Workbook named NorthWind.xlsx from Blackboard and name it as your first initial and lastname, e.g., rperols.xlsx. • Unless stated in the instructions, no additional cells/data/formulas should be added. Practice Shortcut Keys • First spend time practicing the shortcut keys below. Make sure to use these shortcut keys whenever you work in Excel (many of them also work in other applications). Learning these (and other) shortcuts will save you a lot of time and is more or less necessary for you to be productive when you work. For macOS users, most of these shortcuts work with the command button instead of CTRL. For all users, I recommend that you spend a few hours the week before you start working using a PC to practice these shortcuts and the formulas you will be learning in this assignment: o F1 Displays the Help task pane. o CTRL+A Selects the entire table Use CRTL+A+A selects the entire worksheet. o Ctrl+F Opens the ‘find text’ dialog box. o CTRL+P Displays the Print dialog box. o CTRL+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
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