Create a chart from the information in the Total Sales column and the Item column. Remember to hold down the CTRL key when selecting the second column of data.



Create a spreadsheet for the Blue Jay Souvenir Shop. The title of the spreadsheet will be BLUE JAY SOUVENIR SHOP. Your columns headings will be:  (Application /20)

Item / Amount / Price / Total Sales

The data for the columns is as follows:

Pennants 1500 $1.95

Baseballs 2000 $5.50

Jerseys 2300 $15.00

Pen Sets 2300 $10.45

Mugs 3300 $8.50

Posters 10000 $2.95

Souvenir Programs 8000 $5.50

Enter the above data in your spreadsheet.

Calculate the total sales. (use a formula) (1 mark)

Format the “Amount Sold” column to commas and no decimal place. (2 mark)

Format the “Price” and “Total Sales” columns to currency with 2 decimals place. (2 marks)

Bold the column headings and shade the column heading row. (2 marks)

Centre and merge the spreadsheet title A1 to D1. Increase the font size to 18. (3 marks)

Create a chart from the information in the Total Sales column and the Item column. Remember to hold down the CTRL key when selecting the second column of data. Create a column chart. (the one in the top left corner) (2 mark)

The title of the chart will be Blue Jay Souvenir Shop Total Sales AND above the graph. (1 mark)

Insert “Item” as the x-axis title (1 mark)

Insert “Total Sales” as the y-axis title. (1 mark)

Position the chart under the spreadsheet. (1 mark)

Add your name and the date as a footer or header.(Insert >Header or footer) (2 marks)

Save as your name Excel assignment 1(1 mark)

Submit your work through Google Classroom

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