PSY 334 Research Paper Instructions
You will research a subject in biopsychology/neuroscience that you are particularly interested in learning more about. The paper must be at least 5 pages (APA format, Times New Roman 12, double spaced) and no more than 8 pages long (not including cover page and references. Your paper will not be graded if it is less than 5 pages. 1-inch margins are the standard. Papers will be worth 100 points.
Here are some guidelines that may help you construct your research paper. Use these questions only if you need them, but it is not required. The main point is to tie your subject in with biopsychology i.e. terms, things you have learned (you may use the book as a reference of course) and make it interesting. Please let me know if you have any questions:
· When picking this topic, what was your reasoning (this can be your introduction)?
o What more did you wish to learn with this research?
o How does this tie in with Biopsychology?
· What questions did you have when wanting to learn more on this topic?
· In your research, what was the most interesting thing you discovered?
· What do you plan on doing with your findings, now that you have explored this topic?
· What did you think you would learn? What did you end up finding and how is that different than your original expectations?
· Here is a link if you are still stuck in how to formulate your paper. Please call/email/text me with questions.
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