Business Communications class assignment help



Business Communications class, Book used is BCOM8 Lehman+Dufrene

Directions: For the final project, each student will submit a 7-page business report, in response to one of the report topics outlined below (of your choice). In preparing your report, be sure to include material from a minimum of three (3) credible sources. In addition, your report must incorporate the use of at least three (3) different figures (graphs, charts, tables, etc.).


1. Many Web-based employment sites have sprung up on the Internet.  At first, your boss was not convinced that using these sites would benefit the company.  She’s asked you to write a report that not only convinces her that these sites would be beneficial but also recommends the best site(s) for your company to find potential new employees.

2. Students have complained recently about the prices of textbooks at the campus bookstore. Many students have mentioned Web-based booksellers as possible alternatives. As a representative of your student government, you've decided to find out what the best alternatives are, and which alternative is the best option for students at your school. You decide to compare these alternatives by considering the following factors: price, availability, book buyback program, and students' thoughts about purchasing books.

3. A headline from the Toronto Star states: “The CEOs Artfully Intervene: Leaders Declare Liberal Arts Studies Must Be Funded for Well-Rounded Professionals.” How would the majority of American businesses view this assertion? In other words, is a liberal arts education important in creating successful business employees now and in the future? Are critical thinking and communication skills that important in different businesses today? If so, do the requirements at your school or college serve to educate students who will face an increasingly complex work environment? Might you offer recommendations?


Title Page (Cover Sheet) – 1 page

Table of Contents & Figures -1 page

Executive Summary- 1 page

Four-page (single-spaced) Business Report- 4 pages

References Section- 1 page (Extra- Not tallied in the seven-page total, but required nonetheless)

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