Career Summary assignment help



For this part of the assignment you’ll complete a career summary which includes several parts including your desired outcome and career goals: your “Mission Statement” (which may be very similar to your statement of career objectives), a summary of your present reality and your chosen career outlook.

In a 1 to 2 page Word document (.doc) create a three part "mission statement" for your personal, academic and professional life at this time. Discuss how your "present reality" coincides with that mission. In addition, using the Internet, try to find as much about your chosen career(s) as you can from the categories listed below and include a summary of that information your submission:

  • The general employment outlook in your area (how likely are you to find a job in the next 2-5 years in this career?).
  • How much this career pays, on average, in your location.
  • How "new" your career is to the market.
  • How much training is generally required to enter the field in this career?
  • What is the potential for advancement in this career.

Be sure to label each section of your submission appropriately. Along with your paper, include all of the web sites you used in writing your paper. Please site all sources appropriately and abide by all plagiarism policies outlined in your course.

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