Case: Effectiveness of a Marketing Campaign “Own Your Tomorrow” is a new marketing campaign by Charles Schwab, a San Francisco based brokerage firm, to gain new brokerage accounts.



Case: Effectiveness of a Marketing Campaign “Own Your Tomorrow” is a new marketing campaign by Charles Schwab, a San Francisco based brokerage firm, to gain new brokerage accounts. Conduct research to find more background information of Schwab and this new marketing campaign. Then answer the following questions. Note you do not need to collect data and perform analysis. (a) First suppose before this campaign were rolled out nationally, you, SVP of Marketing, were given a budget of 20 million dollars to conduct a marketing research study by designing a statistical experiment to evaluate whether this campaign would be effective (cause an increase in the number of new brokerage accounts). Explain clearly for your statistical experiment the response, the factor(s) and the levels of the factor(s), the experimental units (subjects), and the applicable statistical method(

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