This assignment addresses the following learning
outcomes from the module syllabus:
evaluate methods and techniques used for cybercrime.
summarise and review emerging technologies and their use in cybercrime.
cybercrime topics and implications from a multidisciplinary/multi-viewpoint
Anonymous technologies, the same way as other
technologies, can be used for legitimate and illegitimate purposes. This
assignment comprises two parts.
You may choose to investigate one specific class of
anonymous technology (e.g., anonymous web browsing, anonymous P2P
communication, anonymous emailing service, anonymous content distribution), one
specific technique (e.g., onion routing, proxy server, mix network,
remailer), or one specific application (e.g., Tor, I2P, Freenet, Mixmaster,
Osiris Serveless Portal System).
The essay should contain a maximum of 1600 words – excluded the list of references, and
in no more than 150 words how the chosen class, technique, or application
works. Use references to provide deeper explanations and definitions.
Discuss how
the chosen class, technique, or application has been used by Internet users for
legitimate purposes.
how the chosen class, technique, or application has been used by cybercriminals
(illegitimate purposes).
and critically
evaluate which measures can be adopted against the chosen anonymous
technology used by cybercriminals.
evaluate and discuss
the literature, rather than simply regurgitating what you have read.
You have to interpret, reflect and be
critical about what you read and about the sources you actually
and compare the legitimate and illegitimate viewpoints (usages) of the chosen
anonymous technology.
in-text citations where neccessary, which should be in Harvard style[1].
There is no template to follow for the essay; it is up to you to make
it look neat, logically structured and coherent. Also, remember that the
language used should be specific, precise, objective, direct, and simple. You
should not use colloquial language, should use your own words, and you are
advised to use short sentences, appropriate for technical writing.
3. Submission
Learning to write concisely is an important skill to
develop and is useful throughout your academic and professional career. Your
mark will be penalised if you exceed the
word counts or page limits.
For every
10% you exceed your word limit, you will have 10% of your marks removed until a
maximum of 100%. Your word limit does not include references, but does include
citations (quotes).
You should use Microsoft
Word to complete this assignment. If you use a word processor other than
Microsoft Word then you should check to ensure that the document layout is the
same as Microsoft Word. The essay should be in a single column format
with the default settings (font, margin, space) of MS Word. The submission
should be done via Turnitin on Blackboard.
4. Penalties for late submission
Except where an extension of the hand-in and/or
discussion deadline dates have been approved (using extenuating circumstances
forms), lateness penalties will be applied in accordance with University policy
as shown in Table 1[2].
Table 1: Late submission penalty
5. Extenuating circumstances and extension
Extensions are granted when there are serious and
exceptional factors outside your control. Everyday occurrences such as colds
and hay fever do not normally qualify for extensions. Where possible, requests
for extensions should be made before the hand-in date.
Information about how to submit :
6. Unfair
Means to Enhance Performance
The University operates an electronic plagiarism
detection service (Turnitin) where your work will be automatically uploaded,
stored and cross-referenced against other material. You should be aware that
the software searches the World Wide Web, extensive databases of reference
material and work submitted by members of the same class to identify
To avoid accusations of plagiarism, give an in-text
citation and provide bibliographic details of any source used in the references
list. Remember that you can reuse ideas from different sources but not literal
Plagiarism is not acceptable and you will face
consequences when it is detected by Turnitin. For detailed information on the
procedures relating to plagiarism, please see the current version of the
University Academic Regulations.[3]
7. Reassessed
Reassessment in written examinations and coursework is
at the discretion of the Course Assessment Board and is dealt with strictly in
accordance with University policy and procedures. Revision classes for
referrals will take place during ’reassessment revision, appeals and guidance
week’ as marked on the academic calendar.
The mark for the reassessed module is subject to a
maximum of 50%. This is not the case when you got EC approved.
Please see the UCLAN Academic Regulations and Assessment
Handbook for information and penalties related to “unfair means to
enhance performance”[4].
CO4515 Trends in Cybercrime - Assignment 1
Marking Scheme
94/100 (High DISTINCTION) Within this category, your mark will
be decided based on additional comments (can be found on Turnitin) |
All references contain mandatory
bibliographic details and are formatted with the Harvard referencing style.
All in-text citations are made correctly using the Harvard referencing style. Choice of literature demonstrates an
excellent grasp of the topic area and is logically integrated providing
critical viewpoints. The
essay demonstrates a masterly understanding of the topic area and contrasts
different viewpoints using the salient points to demonstrate a deep
understanding. The essay fell within word limits and
is written using own words. The
essay is well-written and easy to read in terms of sentencing and language
(clear and appropriate to technical writing). The essay is perfectly
structured and sections were well connected making the entire paper coherent. |
74/80/87 (DISTINCTION) Within this category, your mark will be
decided based on additional comments (can be found on Turnitin) |
All references contain mandatory
bibliographic details and are formatted with the Harvard referencing style.
All in-text citations are made correctly using the Harvard referencing style. Choice of literature demonstrates an
outstanding grasp of the topic area and is well integrated providing
different viewpoints. The
essay demonstrates an outstanding understanding of the topic area and
contrasts two different viewpoints. The essay fell within word limits and
is written using own words. The
essay is well-written and easy to read in terms of sentencing and language
(clear and appropriate to technical writing). |
62/65/68 (MERIT) Within this category, your mark will
be decided based on additional comments (can be found on Turnitin) |
All references contain mandatory
bibliographic details and are formatted with the Harvard referencing style.
All in-text citations are made correctly using the Harvard referencing style. Literature is relevant and up to date
for the topic area. The
essay demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic area, and provides
relevant citations to demonstrate a deeper understanding. The essay fell within word limits and
is written using own words. The
essay was readable and contained no typographic, spelling or grammatical
errors. |
52/55/58 (PASS) Within this category, your mark will
be decided based on additional comments (can be found on Turnitin) |
All references contain mandatory
bibliographic details and are formatted with the Harvard referencing style.
All in-text citations are made correctly using the Harvard referencing style. Your summary does not demonstrate a
deep understanding of the topic area. Your summary may not be clear, well
explained, or may be missing vital information. Your explanation may not make
best use of citations. Essay
demonstrates a limited understanding of the topic area, and provide only a
limited and descriptive viewpoint. The essay may have slightly exceeded
the word count. Few
minor issues related to readability of the essay. |
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