Compare and contrast the SCRUM methodology used in the group project with other agile methodologies (e.g. KANBAN) and why they might/might not be more suitable. You should pay particular attention to the distributed and asynchronous nature of the group wo

computer science


1. Compare and contrast the SCRUM methodology used in the group project with other agile methodologies (e.g. KANBAN) and why they might/might not be more suitable. You should pay particular attention to the distributed and asynchronous nature of the group work. (600-750 words)

2. If your team were to continue development of this software, reflect on how further user requirements could be elicited. (600-750 words).

3. Reflect on how your project did/did not consider the security of the software when developing the system. If your group did consider security, what were the challenges you encountered? If not, how would you explicitly build security requirements into the development of the software? (600-750 words).

4. Reflect on how approaches like DevOps might be beneficial to this type of project. Are there aspects of the software where these approaches should not be used? (600-750 words).

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