Corporate Social Responsibility (H&M Company)
The topic is Corporate Social Responsibility in this case is the H&M Company
Overview: You will critically evaluate H&M Company CSR report. Within the report you
should identify a specific initiative that relates to international development. Provide a summary
of the CSR initiative and the context in which it was undertaken. You should then complete a
critical analysis of the CSR initiative. Discuss the success or failure of the initiative. Identify
ways the project could be improved or how the company could better help the local
people/economy. This skill is required in assessing, formulating and implementing
development/sustainability policy at state, corporate or civil society organizations.
References: Anytime you refer to ideas that are not your own, you MUST refer to the source
both in-text and in the reference page at the end of your essay. Use APA referencing style when
you write up your paper. Ensure that your paper contains a page for references. Refer to or for
more information about proper citation.
The components of your assignment should include:
1.Title page with Student Name and Student Number
2.Properly formatted body of report with paragraphs structured appropriately (Headers can
include: Company Overview, Project Description, Critical Analysis (success or failure),
Suggestions for Improvement, Summary)
3.Reference page (please make this a separate page)
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