In this assignment, you are to reflect upon a hot button social issue that citizens are struggling with in the United States at present.




In this assignment, you are to reflect upon a hot button social issue that citizens are struggling with in the United States at present.

Your task is to create a voice-over PowerPoint Presentation where you describe a current issue in our society (e.g., mass shootings, high-profile sexual harassment in the media, child detainment at our border, the migrant caravan, etc.) and reflect upon it in light of one sociological theory from this course (e.g., symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, functionalism, etc.).

During this reflection, describe the social issue that you have selected and discuss why you find this problem worthy of discussion. Next, discuss how the sociological theory that you have selected helps inform your view of the social issue.

The points of note on the PowerPoint can be brief, but the presentation should be between 3-5 minutes long. You can also insert your video into the presentation, but is optional.

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