Create a class that can be used to test data structure - similar to the example found shown below: StudentA. java Note that this class will be used in the projects in the rest of this course to test various data structures and algorithms The

computer science


Create a class that can be used to test data structure - similar to the example found shown below: Note that this class will be used in the projects in the rest of this course to test various data structures and algorithms The following are requirements for this homework: Unique index integer fields Use at least 5 other fields of various, including at least one of each of String, int and double types. assume that the String's have no spaces within them Write a method that will create an array of N random instances of this class, where N is an integer parameter to this method Provide a toString method that will format an instance of this class nicely Provide appropriate constructors Write methods that will write and read text files of this class

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