Create a short outline of about 250–500 words of the "Relational Database" project proposal. In the outline, briefly define and describe the scenario for which the database will be designed, the major problem(s) that the users in the given scenari



Create a short outline of about 250–500 words of the "Relational Database" project proposal. In the outline, briefly define and describe the scenario for which the database will be designed, the major problem(s) that the users in the given scenario would solve, and any other additional components of a standard project proposal outline that are needed. Utilize the following outline as a guideline: title Page Abstract: A summary of the whole proposal in about 75 words. Introduction:

 The introduction should explain the situation, the cause of the problems, the statement of the project problem, and definition of terms. Solution: This should include the objectives of what needs to be created to solve the problem and achieve the proposed outcomes. Identify the limits of the project and outline steps required to meet the above stated objectives. Resources: What resources will be required for this project? Budget: What is the estimated budget? Users (Personnel/Credentials): Who are your users? What are their competencies? Conclusion: This part should clearly point out the value of the project with emphasis on feasibility, necessity, usefulness, and the benefit of the expected results. ******************* Plagiarism must be less than 10% Include permalink on the references.

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