Not So Fast,Human Traits in the Animals and Walking.



Two-page analysis essay paper (introduction, body and conclusion)

Two-page analysis of these reading.

  • “Not So Fast”  (Page 40 essay)
  • “Human Traits in the Animals” (37-39 essay)
  • “Walking” (hand out essay)
  • How do the writers see themselves and other creatures (including plants, trees, water, etc.) in their formulation of nature?
  • What do the writers identify as wild and instinctual in our nature?  How do they respond to what is wild? How does their response shape and influence their response to the outer (natural) world?
  • How do writers reveal their “awe” for nature? How do they reveal their love of life or living systems (bibliophile)?
  • What feelings or insights do you experience as you read the works?  How do those feelings or insights compare to your previous attitudes toward nature? How do those feelings or insights make you feel now about nature?


To help you write your paper, please respond to one or more of the following questions:

Content requirements:

Quote from three or more assigned readings in your essay to support your analysis and demonstrate that you’ve read the works.

Discuss one or more implications of your interpretation.

Connect one of the concepts—Awe, Bibliophile or Wild- with readings.

Demonstrate you’ve done the reading and reflected on it.

If you quote, re purpose or curate any outside sources in any way, you MUST credit your sources. Use “signal phrases” such as “according to …” or “(name) argues in the Atlantic that…” or “A reviewer on the website claims that…” and then add page number in parentheses if appropriate and list your “Works Cited” or “References” on the last page.

Format requirements

Two pages, double-spaced or space-and-a-half, conventional font (11-12) and typeface (no script). (Not including references or works cited.)

Place name and date and email  in upper right hand corner; no cover page

References, sources, help of any kind: place page numbers in parentheses or use the word (handout) and list works on last page.

Author’s names: use full name on first mention; use last name only on subsequent uses. For example, first mention, Annie Dillard.  Subsequent uses—Dillard.  (Do not use first name on subsequent uses.)

If you quote poetry, indicate line breaks with a slash between lines, e.g. “Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,/ the world offers itself to your imagination” (“Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver)

Citations of other works: I prefer your own interpretation, but if you use outside sources you must cite those texts, including websites, and list the titles, sites, articles, etc. on the last page (or you may add a page to do this if you like; use APA or MLA documentation style if you are familiar with one).  See a Style Guide, handbook or Website for guidelines on documentation or crediting sources.

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