i) Create a simple agent-based game in a 1-dimensional world. Ideally, the objects within the world relate will relate to a knowledge-based representation scheme (Give context for the decisions you make in relation to the world, its agent, percepts and the actions carried out). Specify a PEAS description including at least four percepts and four actions of your choosing and specify the conditions under which the game is complete.
Implement this game in Python using any of the libraries made available from the AIMA
python repo. The specification for the Agent, Environment, and Program to enable the
game to run must be included. All code should be in a single python file.
NOTE: You should assume that your code will be executed in the same directory as the
AIMA data repo. As such it is critical you use relative paths consistent with this.
Write a clear and concise description of the agent-based game. The purpose of this is to
articulate an understanding of the underlying concepts being implemented both from a
theoretical and practical perspective.
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