Critically discuss HK government reform after 1967 riot. How were they successful, how do they bringing stability to the colony? Critically discuss the way in which HK was governed by the “colonial model”?



Critically discuss HK government reform after 1967 riot. How were they successful, how do they bringing stability to the colony? Critically discuss the way in which HK was governed by the “colonial model”? What led economic success for HK in 1945-1978? What in your opinion brought about the collapse of the old colonial model in 1967 and what were the main changes brought about under the “consultative model” (1972-1984)? What were the main provisions of the “joint declaration” and how did they safeguard the “HK way of life”? Critically discuss the reasons for the growth of the HK economy from 1945 to the present day? What reasons can you put forward to explain the slow growth of democracy in HK after 1945? .What was the philosophy behind the concept of “benevolent paternalism” and what were the weaknesses in both its assumptions and practice?

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