Cyber security tenets that were violated and rationale of the cause

computer science


IT 380 Module Two Case Study Analysis Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: This case study will help you analyze a cybersecurity scenario and identify which tenets were violated. Each skill in this paper is an essential part of

the final project and the accompanying milestones in this course.

Prompt: Use the information provided in the scenario to analyze the cybersecurity occurrence and determine which tenet(s) were violated.

The required resources for this module detail a scenario at RSA that is similar to the one you will analyze for this assignment. Review each module resource and

analyze the security breach that occurred with RSA. Note similarities between this example and the provided scenario for this assignment.

Scenario: In late May of 2011, Lockheed-Martin was targeted by a cyberattack. Lockheed-Martin claimed that they discovered the attack early and reacted

quickly, with the result that no real harm was done.

The basis for this breach was with two-factor authentication, where a “factor” in authentication can be something you know, something you are, or something

you have. A two-factor authentication system requires you to present instances of two of these three to authenticate with a system. Lockheed-Martin employed

a two-factor authentication system that combined a password (something you know) with SecurID, a system produced by RSA labs that provides the “something

you have” factor.

A SecurID is a small key fob that displays a number, which changes every 60 seconds. Each key fob has a unique number called its seed, which determines what

number is shown in the fob at any given point in time. The server stores your username, password hash, and the seed value for your key fob, and this allows it to

determine what number is showing on your key fob (as the fob is synched with your account). When you authenticate, you enter your username and regular

password, then you look at the key fob and enter in the number shown there. The authentication server knows what number should be shown at that time on

the key fob, and so can verify that the key fob is indeed a thing you have. This is called a one-time password (OTP) system.

In March of 2011, someone attacked RSA with a relatively unsophisticated phishing attack with an attached Excel file with embedded code that exploited a zero-

day vulnerability in Adobe Flash.

This enabled attackers to set up a “backdoor”—a way for them to get into the computer—where the attackers were able to steal from RSA the seed values of

SecurID key fobs.

In late May of 2011, the attack moved to Lockheed-Martin, where attackers managed to get a keylogger onto a company system. The keylogger recorded the

username, password, and SecurID OTPs used by the victim when he or she authenticated, along with the date and time of the login.

Two-factor authentication is designed for just this kind of scenario. The attacker cannot authenticate because knowing the username, password, and an old OTP

is not enough; the current OTP is required. However, these attackers stole seed values. For a given seed value and date/time, they could calculate the number

the key fob with that seed value would display at that date and time. All the attackers had to do was to write a program that would compute, for every stolen

seed value, the number that would have been showing at the date and time the keylogger recorded the victim’s login. Once they found a match with the OTP

the keylogger recorded, they would have matched a seed value with a username. This appeared as if the attackers actually had the key fobs themselves.

Critical Elements

Your paper should include these critical elements:

 Identification of cybersecurity tenets that were violated and the rationale of cause

 Analysis of cybersecurity occurrence and data defense

Recommendation of best practices to prevent further recurrence

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