Design a program that prompts the user to enter a character first and then displays the ASCII value as well as the binary value of the character entered.

computer science


Design a program that prompts the user to enter a character first and then displays the ASCII value as well as the binary value of the character entered. The program also prompts the user to enter a specific bit of the character entered to be checked and displayed.


The following two user-defined functions are required: 

1) void getBinary(char ch); /* Computes and displays the binary value of the character that is passed to the function. */ 

2) int getBit(char ch, int x); /* Computes and returns the xth bit of the ch character that is passed to the function. */ It is required to submit a file that contains your source code, i.e. Lab3.c, and a file that contains screen captures of your program's output before the deadline, i.e. the beginning of the Week 4 lab class. 

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