A Little Encouragement
You can’t learn to drive by reading about it or even by watching other people do it — and the same holds true for learning to program a computer! To develop any real facility you must become familiar with an actual programming language and use it to write your own programs. A programming environment, like a car or anything else one is trained to use, takes some getting used to. This assignment has been designed to “put you in the driver's seat,” and to show you where the “controls” are. Specifically, the following pages will get you started with Scratch; we sincerely hope you will quickly discover that programming can be an enormously exciting (and fun) intellectual activity. Of course, there is one important difference between programming a computer and driving an auto: Using a computer is NOT dangerous, and you can't do any damage to the computer, yourself, or anyone else — unless, of course, you fling your laptop out the window or you become an uber geek who neglects to eat and sleep! Some advice: don't be afraid
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