A* Planning We have provided you Python code, called “astar_planner.py” that loads a 2D map in the form of a floorplan image.

computer science


Question #1: Implement A* Planning We have provided you Python code, called “astar_planner.py” that loads a 2D map in the form of a floorplan image. Given a start and a goal, this code now runs Dijkstra’s Algorithm using a simple implementation and finds a plan like the one shown below.

Your job in this question is to modify the algorithm to correctly run the A-star planner. We have left comments “#TODO” in each place where a modification is needed. You should read and understand all of the code (there’s not too much) but will only need to type a very few lines correctly to complete the question (so don’t over-think it!) 

Coding your new planner: Now modify the code in the places that say #TODO. This is where you’ll need to do most of your thinking, make sure you understood the algorithm presented in class and dig into the code to figure out how to implement your changes. Run it with the same commands as above to test.

Report the results: Save 3 images of paths produced by your planner. Keep the starting state the same, but set a different goal for each image, and make sure those cover the map well. Save the images as “astar_result[0|1|2]_yourname.png”. You will hand-in these images plus your modified code

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