Design a pseudocode or a flowchart on the following problem using the inputs and outputs provided: Three race cars are set to race. Each race car is a different color and number.

technical writing


Design a pseudocode or a flowchart on the following problem using the inputs and outputs provided: Three race cars are set to race. Each race car is a different color and number. User input requirements for: Lap times (time format in minutes and seconds - MM: SS) Car color Car driver Car number The output will include: Car color Car number Driver Lap time (time format in minutes and seconds - MM:SS) Write pseudo code or a flowchart for the problem. State the steps taken by the cars from race start to finish, including user input and program output by user choice of lap time, color, or car number. Write a 700-word, APA formatted paper with cover page, abstract, and whichever design tool you choose.

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