Design and implement a class Queue

computer science


Design and implement a class Queue that supports queues by extending (i.e.

your queues are singly­linked­lists). Documentation for is its code and

comments that are found in the code.

class Queue must support the following instance methods.

public Queue();

// creates a Q with capacity 8 (the default capacity)

public Queue(int capacity);

public Queue enqueue(Object elem) throws IllegalStateException;

// throw exception if Q is full (i.e. at capacity)

// return "this" to enable chaining

public Object dequeue() throws NoSuchElementException;

// throw exception if Q is empty

public Object front() throws NoSuchElementException;

// throw exception if Q is empty

public int getCapacity();

// return Q's capacity

public void setCapacity(int newcapacity) throws IllegalArgumentException;

// throw exception if capacity less than 0

// if newcapacity < capacity and size > newcapacity,

// then truncate Q to newcapacity

public int size();

// return number of elements in the Q

public boolean isEmpty();

// true if size is zero

public boolean isFull();

// true if size equals capacity

public String toString();

// return a string representation of the Q

The main() method of your program should contain code to test class Queue objects. This program

can use your Menu and MenuItem classes.

Queue Test Menu


1) enqueue

2) dequeue

3) front

4) print

5) get size

6) get capacity

7) set capacity

8) is full?

12/14/2016 CSC205::Assignment::#Queue

9) is empty?

10) Exit

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