Due date and submission Each individual student should submit their assignment via Canvas before the deadline. You can submit several times before the deadline; each new submission will overwrite your previous submission. Before submitting the assignment, please ensure that you have undertaken the following activities:
• Checked Canvas for announcements/discussions related to the assignment and for any updates/clarifications;
• Ensured that the work submitted by you is your original work. If this is not the case, then further investigation will take place and a penalty or sanction may be applied. Note this includes:
– sharing your original work with other students either on purpose or by accident
– under no circumstances should you show or give your assignment to another student, nor should you ask to see another student’s assignment;
– soliciting answers from online forums and tutoring sites (even if money has not changed hands);
– copying answers publicly posted online.
• Reviewed the declaration at https://www.swinburne.edu.au/current-students/manage-course/ exams-results-assessment/submit-work/assessment-declaration/.
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