Apply an ethical decision making model to each of the three cases below. The paper should be an integrative, critical review of each case while integrating the most current version of the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics as a primary resource. Students may integrate additional materials such as additional ethical codes or laws pertaining to the cases, however the ACA Code should be the primary reference in the paper. The additional codes should be discussed with the instructor prior to adding them to the paper.
Below is the ethical decision making model that students must use for each case. Students are to produce one paper that separates each of the three vignettes, and uses the ten (10) steps of the Welfel (2016) decision making model to resolve the dilemma. In each step, students should write in a clear, logical manner while including references as needed in order to thoroughly address each step. Students should not merely state that a step was complete without discussing all relevant aspects of that step.
Each case will be approximately 4-6 pages long not including title page or references. This means that your paper will end up being approximately 14-20 pages including title page and references in APA style format. Please read the chapter associated with the Welfel model for ethical decision making as this will assist how you address each step.
Ethical Decision Making Model:
Welfel, E.R. (2016). A Model for Ethical Practice: Using Resources to Enhance Individual Judgment and Ethical Resolve.
Step 1: Develop ethical sensitivity, integrating personal and professional values.
Step 2: Clarify facts, stakeholders, and the sociocultural context of the case.
Step 3: Define the central issues and the available options.
Step 4: Refer to professional standards, guidelines, and relevant law/regulations.
Step 5: Search out ethics scholarship.
Step 6: Apply ethical principles to the situation.
Step 7: Consult with supervisor and respected colleagues.
Step 8: Deliberate and decide.
Step 9: Inform supervisor, implement and document decision-making process and actions.
Step 10: Reflect on the experience.
Suggested Format of Paper (APA Style)
Title Page
In each of the following dilemmas, use the Welfel (2016) ethical decision making model to address the situation to come up with a plan. Make sure that you review the following references while writing up the paper.
Mandatory references
Please discuss supplemental references (additional codes, laws, book chapters, etc.) with your instructor prior to including in your paper.
Case #1:
You are an intern at an outpatient center where juveniles have been mandated by court to receive your services, which include psycho-education on anger and stress management to clients from diverse backgrounds and socioeconomic status. You have employed all of the strategies that you were taught in graduate school, researched the topics, and tried to consult with your supervisor regularly. However, your supervisor always tells you that you are doing fine and supervision is not needed because you are doing such a good job. Your supervisor does not even listen to you when you have questions and does not appear to be monitoring the client’s progress. You are not licensed as a counselor, but want to be licensed in your state, so you need the appropriate forms signed by your supervisor, which indicate that you completed your hours and required supervision. You have questions about what you are doing, especially since your clients have world views different than yourself.
Case #2:
Your adult client has been arrested on several occasions, which resulted in your client having a long criminal record, being on probation, and being incarcerated on a number of occasions. The client was arrested and convicted for selling controlled substances. You were asked to visit the client to complete a current mental status and provide recommendations to the court. The client’s mental status exam did not yield any clinically significant issues. The client reported having positive thoughts about going home. The client has stated that they have learned a life lesson and will “never do anything against the law again.” The client denied having any distressing dreams, hallucinations, no manic or depressive episodes, and no problems with sleeping. The client reported no concerns about appetite and had no changes in the last few weeks. The client agreed that the medications were working well for diagnosed Bipolar I Disorder. Upon questioning about the client’s children, the client said the children have visited about four times since this last incarceration, and the client was happy about those visits. During your evaluation, you notice that you have started to have romantic feelings toward the client because the client seems like a nice person. You have decided that the client was in the wrong place at the wrong time and had to do what was needed to in order to survive. You have never felt this strongly about a client in the past.
Case #3:
You are working with a client who is from a different religion than you and has strong beliefs about religion. You know very little about the religion or the religious practices so you have some reservations working with the client due to your lack of knowledge and how your lack of knowledge could negatively affect your therapeutic relationship. The client does not always answer your questions, is somewhat evasive, and insists on taking breaks to pray or meditate during the evaluation process. You know you are not supposed to cause harm to clients, but are feeling hesitant to continue the evaluation process due to your lack of knowledge and familiarity with the client’s diverse background. You also think that the client may not open up to you due to your differences. You want to refer the client to someone else, but are not sure if that is appropriate. You are receiving supervision in the process and your supervisor thinks that you are able to handle this case competently.
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