Explain Capacity Utilization assignment help



Please answer each question with no less than 250 words for each question in a word document. There are 8 questions and each question must have a source so please be sure to cite the source for each answered question. However, do not copy and past exactly from the source but allow it to help you create an original answer. Answers copied directly from the source with no originality or without being put in your own words will be considered plagiarism******Please Put Answers In Your Own Words*****

***Please Put Answers In Your Own Words***

1. Explain Capacity Utilization

2. Explain Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

3. Explain  Fixed-Time Period Model (P-Model)

4. Explain SAP Supply Chain Management

5. Explain Time Series Analysis

6. Explain Aggregate Operations Plan

7. Explain Production Planning Strategies

8. Explain Materials Requirements Planning (MRP)

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