Flu Vaccination be Mandatory for health workers

general article writing


Should Flu Vaccination be Mandatory for health workers? (IN USA)

This is the question of my term paper. APA format. 15 pages. Abstract and Conclusion needed with

intext citations.

1) Abstract

2) History (In which year and which government made it mandatory and how mandatory vaccination

came into existence)

3) Who are health workers.

4) Types of flu vaccines. Their benefits and side effects.

5) Evidences showing that control of transmission of diseases when flu vaccine made mandatory to

health workers in USA (for example percentages showing positive results there is a decrease in control

of diseases in hospital sector before the year and after the year making it mandatory)

6) Health worker’s opinion on making flu vaccine mandatory. (some health workers say it is against their

religious belief and Why should they risk a serious side effect like Guillain–Barré syndrome for a

influenza vaccine that may only be 60% effective?” but most of them say it brought some positive

change and control of diseases within the health sectors)

7) My opinion on flu vaccine be mandatory for health workers is YES and need to support my answer

according to the above results.

8) Conclusion.

9) References.

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