For this assignment, you should identify an area of your company (or of a company you are familiar with) and use multi-level process mapping to describe how this control area (a block on the Level 1 map) fits in with the overall company (as shown on the c



For this assignment, you should identify an area of your company (or of a company you are familiar with) and use multi-level process mapping to describe how this control area (a block on the Level 1 map) fits in with the overall company (as shown on the complete Level 1 map). Develop a Level 2 map to detail the control points (specific functions and processes) of the selected control area, and then develop Level 3 maps to identify control elements (input, output, process, and failure modes) of key control points. In addition to the process maps themselves (you can use produce the flow diagrams using any charting software you have available, or by using MS Word and inserting or 'hand drawing' the connecting arrows) your complete project should include a written description of the process and your recommendations for how the process steps at the control points can be improved by identifying opportunities for using poka-yokes to "fail-safe" the process (you can describe existing poka-yokes, but you should also try to think of some new ones). 

The written portion of the assignment should be between seven and ten pages long and is due on or before April 10, 2016. Note: service blueprinting (process mapping) and poke-yokes for services are presented in the JC13 text on pages 225-226; poke-yokes are discussed in terms of quality management in JC13 on pages 297-298. A good Web reference for poka-yokes is John Grout's Poka-Yoke Page ( The process mapping concept is covered in the APICS journal article by Symons and Jacobs; a copy of the article is available in the Module 3 Learning Module in the Content section of Blackboard

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