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Edwards, Griffin, and Travis Howe. 2015. "A Test of Prohibition's Effect on Alcohol Production and Consumption Using Crop Yields." Southern Economic Journal 81 (4): 1145-1168. doi:10.2307/26160597.

García-Jimeno, Camilo. 2016. "The political economy of moral conflict: An empirical study of learning and law enforcement under prohibition." Econometrica 84 (2): 511-570. doi:10.2307/43866443.

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—. 2020. The Saloon in an Illinois Coal-Mining Town. Accessed September 03, 2020.

—. 2020. The Woman's Crusade in Xenia, Ohio. Accessed September 03, 2020.

—. 2020. Women's National Committee for Law Enforcement. Accessed September 03, 2020.

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