Geometry calculator calculates the area or perimeter of a square, rectangle, or the area or perimeter of a circle according to the table below:

computer science


: Geometry Calculator 

Geometry calculator calculates the area or perimeter of a square, rectangle, or the area or perimeter of a circle according to the table below:

The program should: 

 Ask the user to select a geometry figure using radiobutton widgets. By default, the radiobutton is set to Circle 

 Ask the user the type of calculation, area or perimeter/circumference, using dropdown menu widget. 

 If a user doesn’t select a calculation, the program will show an error message asking to select a calculation 

 Use a button widget to SUBMIT all entry. 

 Use entry widgets to collect the height and the width if a rectangle shape is selected, a height if a square shape is selected, or a radius if a circle shape is selected. 

 Use a CALCULATE button widget to calculate and print information

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