1. Give my consent for copies of my original assessment (hard or soft copy of written assessments, audio, video or photographical recordings of presentations) to be retained by NZIE and shared with appropriate external and authorised parties exclusively for the purpose of quality assurance, including moderation.
2. Confirm that this assignment is my own independent work and I have cited and referenced other related academic articles and research reports using APA 6th edition.
3. Confirm that I understand that there are serious penalties for plagiarism, which includes: collusion (sharing my work with others); employing a ghost writer; copying others’ work; using anti-plagiarism detection software, not citing others’ work; or submitting work for assessment that is not my own independent work.
4. Confirm that I have received instruction on academic writing and on NZIE’s Authentication and Plagiarism policy. In signing this declaration form, I confirm that I:
5. Understand I will be provided with a copy of this assessment with feedback to support my ongoing learning within 3 weeks of the submission due date and that all results are subject to change until post-moderation has been completed and results ratified by the NZIE Academic Board.
6. Understand that it is my responsibility to save this assessment responsibly and retain a copy in the event the submitted assessment is lost or damaged.
7. Accept that where my English language is incomprehensible, or the in-text citation is poor, or where plagiarism is detected that those sections will receive a zero mark.
8. Understand NZIE’s resubmission policy as per the Programme Handbook and am aware that I may only apply for a maximum of ONE resubmission opportunity per course when I narrowly fail with a ‘D’ grade (40 to 49%) and where minor rework is required.
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