Healthy relationships (with friends, family members and intimate partners) can support recovery.

general article writing


Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships

Adapted from The Red Flag Campaign Campus Planning Guide From: Choose Respect Action Kit, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Healthy relationships (with friends, family members and intimate partners) can support recovery. Recognizing and identifying patterns in relationships which are unhealthy is often an important part of recovery.


People in healthy relationships respect each other. They can talk honestly and freely to each other and share power and control over decisions. They trust and support each other and respect each other’s independence. In contrast, an unhealthy relationship is unbalanced. One partner (a person in the relationship) tries to control the other.


1.      Use the words in the first chart below to match with their description in the chart on the second page.

Add the correct word in the space near the description and then put an asterisk (*) beside the words which describe characteristics of a healthy relationship. (see example on the chart)

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