Hospitals, outpatient centers, and free standing surgical centers are dependent on many funding sources to pay for their services. Compare and contrast approval/payment from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commercial insurance, and



Hospitals, outpatient centers, and free standing surgical centers are dependent on many funding sources to pay for their services. Compare and contrast approval/payment from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commercial insurance, and the traditional Medicare program (not a Medicare health maintenance organization [HMO]) available to these types of facilities. How does this impact the strategic management of these facilities? Physicians are considered to be the final determining agent for healthcare resources in both an inpatient and outpatient setting in our current environment of managed care delivery systems (HMOs and accountable care organizations [ACOs]). Do you support this contention? Name at least two major resources, one inpatient and one outpatient, which physicians directly control. --

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