How did the Enlightenment change the attitudes of some English and North American elites towards religion and science





If you cannot make it to the Thursday conference, please do the following alternative assignment. Write a 5-7 page paper, including a cover sheet with the same information responding to the following prompt:

Based on lecture notes and Chapter Four of The American Challenge, how did the Enlightenment change the attitudes of some English and North American elites towards religion and science? What major American figures were leaders of the Enlightenment? How did the spread of "print culture" allow the ideas of the Enlightenment to spread? How did the enlightenment fuel the spread of science, technology, and education in the 1700s? Who was excluded from the advances made through the Enlightenment?

Either the assignment or the alternate will be due in class March 13. You will be graded on the clarity and quality of written expression, your specificity, and your use of evidence.As with the other papers, five points will be taken off papers turned in without a cover sheet, with one point off for every missing required item on the cover sheet (name, etc.) Three points will be taken off if the paper is not stapled. Five points will be taken off for not following instructions regarding content

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