i got text which i need to be critically anaylsed nws, btw the article is about cyber threats on cars and if governemnts are doing enough with regulation so just going over what needs to be done. 1000 words critically anaylse the text if you can also talk



i got text which i need to be critically anaylsed nws, btw the article is about cyber threats on cars and if governemnts are doing enough with regulation so just going over what needs to be done. 1000 words critically anaylse the text if you can also talk about how the author failed to mention asia in the regulations and how hacking is not only done though humans but through computer malware that replicate. That whould be great and make sure its unique work not copied nwrs i'll see you in 12hrs ish?​ ​nws, btw the article is about cyber threats on cars and if governemnts are doing enough with regulation

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