Identify five control activities that you would commonly find in a men's clothing department of a major department store. Identify the control objective associated with each of these activities.



Week 8 - Other Types of Fraud

See the "Saks Fifth Avenue" case for this question (you can find it online)


In your opinion, was Saks' zero tolerance policy for employee theft reasonable? Was the policy likely cost-effective? Defend your answers.

Did Saks' anti-harassment policy and the related complaint procedure qualify as internal controls? Explain.

Identify five control activities that you would commonly find in a men's clothing department of a major department store. Identify the control objective associated with each of these activities.

Should a company's independent auditors be concerned with whether or not a client provides a non-hostile work environment for its employees? If your answer is "yes," identify the specific audit issues that would be relevant in this context.

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