In IJSE, all the GDSE students have a unique student id. In the 1st semester, they are supposed to take two mandatory modules which are Programming Fundamentals and Database Management System.

computer science


In IJSE, all the GDSE students have a unique student id. In the 1st semester, they are supposed to take two mandatory modules which are Programming Fundamentals and Database Management System. Students are supposed to face exams for these modules at the end of the semester. You are supposed to create a java application to manage these students’ marks. In the application, you need to implement the following use cases.

When you run the application, you should come up with something similar to the following Command-Line Interface (CLI) where the user can enter an option number that he wants to execute.

Adding a new student is easy. First, the user needs to enter the Student ID then Student Name. This is only for adding a new student, not for assigning marks. Once the user has added a new student successfully, a message should prompt to ask whether the user wants to add a new student again or going to back to the main menu.

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