In separate 3 Excel files make a plan for (3 investors) money coming in to the fund, separate 3 or 6 months period for every week money sums.



We have a fund which is formed as per below investors:

·         Investor 1; 10 million total, cost price 2%

·         Investor 2; 40 million total, cost price 3%

·         Investor 3; 50 million total, cost price 5%


Investors enter the fund (fund gets money) as per below timeline:

·         10 million over 3 months

·         40 million over 3 months

·         50 million over 6 months


Fund from the start , day 1 borrowing the money (making loans) to the clients.



1.       In separate 3 Excel files make a plan for (3 investors) money coming in to the fund, separate 3 or 6 months period for every week money sums.

2.       In the 4th excel file first sheet make a button “calculate received investments” which would make a sum of all received money from the first 3 excel files

3.       In the 2nd sheet please model(outline) LOANS PAYMENTS for clients over 12 months

4.       In the 3rd sheet please make a calculator, in which we can enter the below

·         The return we want for the fund

·         Loans return loss in percentage

·         Fund Investment management watering(profit) in euros

 And get the result for how much (percentage) fund need to make LOANS to clients that we would receive wanted(entered) fund investment return




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