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In this assignment, you will explore debugging, simple algorithms, triggers, and tracing programs in JavaScript and Python, following best practices for writing in each language.

technical writing



Assignments Rubric
Assignments Rubric
Follow Instructions
4.0 pts
Meets Expectations
The assignment addresses all of the assigned tasks.
3.0 pts
Minor Omission
The assignment is missing a minor component.
2.0 pts
Major Omission
The assignment is missing a key component.
0.0 pts
The assignment does not follow instructions or fails to execute at all.
4.0 pts
2.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Source code is fully commented.
1.0 pts
Source code has some comments but is not detailed.
0.0 pts
Source code has inadequate comments.
2.0 pts
Syntax and Best Practices
2.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
No syntax errors. All best practices followed.
1.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Minor syntax errors. Ignored some best practices.
1.0 pts
Major syntax errors. Significant error that should have been recognized.
0.0 pts
Failed to follow best practices.
2.0 pts
Program Logic
2.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Program is flawless. Script performs as expected.
1.5 pts
Minor Error
Script has minor logic error, which prevents script from running as expected.
1.0 pts
Major Error
Script has a major logic error which has introduced a significant flaw in the program.
0.0 pts
Script has a major logic error preventing its execution.
2.0 pts
Total Points: 10.0

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